Indie Pick O' The Day: (500) Days Of Summer

(500) Days Of Summer is a film full of adorable whimsy and flavor.  It illustrates a refreshing look on what really happens in a relationship.  The beginning of the film lets you know right off the bat---this is NOT a love story.  Short synopsis: Boy meets girl.  Boy likes girl.  Girl kinda likes boy back.  Boy falls in love with girl.  Girl is still uncertain of what love is.  Boy falls hard and swoons.  Girl is turned off and needs space.  Boy is confused.  Girl breaks up with boy.

End of movie.

Well not exactly. The film depicts the 500 days of Tom (boy) meeting Summer (girl) and what transpires within the 500 days of their courtship.  It's a pretty creative look at the timeline between Tom and Summer of what takes place but more importantly the film also creatively uses the special effect of a split screen none like I've ever seen on celluloid before.  Very cool!

The film poses the real question, what happens when you meet someone who you love but doesn't love you back?  The questions are answered in tiny clues and day by day moments between Tom and Summer that in the end (Day 500) makes just as much sense as (Day 1).

The constant use of parentheses here by the way---is totally intentional.  If you watch the film, you'll understand why.  The film stars Joseph Gordon Levitt and Zooey Deschanel

Take a look at the trailer below:

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